Battle Maison Damage Calculator
Select the generation.
Select the output notation.
Select the calculator's mode of function.
Pokémon 1's Moves (select one to show detailed results)
??? - ???%
??? - ???%
??? - ???%
??? - ???%
Pokémon 2's Moves (select one to show detailed results)
??? - ???%
??? - ???%
??? - ???%
??? - ???%
(If you see this message for more than a few seconds, try enabling JavaScript.)
Pokémon 1
Base IVs EVs DVs
236 157
236 157
236 157
236 157
236 157
236 157
/341 ( %)

Pokémon 2
Base IVs EVs DVs
236 157
236 157
236 157
236 157
236 157
236 157
/341 ( %)

Set the default level of loaded sets.
Select the battle format.
Select the current terrain/span>

Select the current weather condition.
Select the current weather condition.

Enter your custom sets here.

Useful notes: this box is also the PP counter interface. Type 1234qwer to decrement displayed pokemon's PP.

GitHub repository for the damage calculator